This is your invitation to re-DISCOVER awe, FEEL your magic, PLAY with your purpose while Creating a foundation for your new way of life, love & business.
Join our 3-day self-paced experience to create a foundation for your business and relationships.
I feel you…
You want to ‘achieve’ the success that you envision & feel good experiencing what you know is possible.
You want to stop second-guessing yourself while questioning your worth.
You see where you want to be yet you still find yourself in self-protecting patterns, paralyzing negative thought loops that keep you stuck in a shame spiral blocking you from your creative life force.
You see yourself take action that will move you forward yet you settle for the breadcrumbs of life instead of what you truly desire.
Deep down there are scared parts of you that believe there will never be enough money, love, or time, so you cling to the familiar, the things that soothe you… AND
You want to feel FREE.
Yet, it feels way too overwhelming and exhausting to change…
It makes sense that you feel frozen, unable to move, and allow yourself to take risks & be foolish…
while at the same time…
You feel busy spinning around in your mind and stuck in your body
You deeply desire to find your way out, play, feel free…
You know the answers are inside of you but you’re unsure where to go from here…
What You Can Expect During Your 3 Day-Self-Paced Experience
Each Day You Will Unlock a Journal Prompt, Quiz & Teaching Video!
Day 1: Foolish Awareness
Become aware of the subtle, (and sometimes not so subtle) patterns running your life… the defensive, codependent, self-loathing, shame, doubt, and scarcity patterns that stop you from being in awe of the present moment.
Day 2: Foolish Attunement
Learn how & begin attuning to your nervous system & the parts of you that desire to create with wild abandon; with this, you will start opening to fully approving of all of your parts and how you relate to yourself, your relationships & your business.
Day 3: Foolish Abundance
Create a map, a plan, and a personalized design for living & working in ways that feel in flow, juicy, and passionate to you… while you COMMIT to your unique, consistent practices of feeling foolishly on purpose while loving DEEPLY
The Foolish Experience Includes:
Thought-Provoking Journal Prompts:
Reflect and gain insights about yourself
Fun Quizzes:
Understand important concepts through engaging
multiple-choice questions
Personal Guidance from Amy:
Receive support privately and within the community

What I know is…
Without choosing to pour myself into my life with a foolish passion
I would not be alive today…
Everything I’ve created is in service to Love,
Love has nothing to explain it, yet it is what most of us wake up to feel each day.
You see…
Without your willingness to try out your foolish ideas
Creating Is Impossible.
Your willingness to be with the vulnerability of touching awe is CREATION
Your courage to take risks is the only way to create a new way of life.
Register Now - Get 3 programs for $49
Programs include Foolish, Cultivate Trust & Commit
BONUS INCLUDED - Access to School of Regulation for FREE.
The School of Regulation includes a mapping exercise for attuning to & Regrovin' ™ your nervous system, a one of a kind Polyvagal Map PDF download. Lastly, become part of our community of like-minded individuals, all on this journey together.
The School is accessible through the same platform/app as Foolish - No confusion!
Amy Guerrero
I am a conscious sober woman devoted to practicing what I teach from moment to moment.
I am here to share my Regroovin’ way of life methodologies I created to take me from barely surviving to thriving in my life today.
Choosing to get curious about the survival strategies and patterns that kept me alive carved a pathway to create a whole new way of life.
What Students in Roots are Saying About Working With Amy